IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: 1,4-lactonase

Reaction: A 1,4-lactone + H2O = a 4-hydroxyacid

Other name(s): γ-lactonase

Systematic name: 1,4-lactone hydroxyacylhydrolase

Comments: The enzyme is specific for 1,4-lactones with 4-8 carbon atoms. It does not hydrolyse simple aliphatic esters, acetylcholine, sugar lactones or substituted aliphatic lactones, e.g. 3-hydroxy-4-butyrolactone; requires Ca2+.

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, Metacyc, PDB, CAS registry number: 37278-38-9


1. Fishbein, W.N. and Bessman, S.P. Purification and properties of an enzyme in human blood and rat liver microsomes catalyzing the formation and hydrolysis of γ-lactones. I. Tissue localization, stoichiometry, specificity, distinction from esterase. J. Biol. Chem. 241 (1966) 4835-4841. [PMID: 4958984]

2. Fishbein, W.N. and Bessman, S.P. Purification and properties of an enzyme in human blood and rat liver microsomes catalyzing the formation and hydrolysis of γ-lactones. II. Metal ion effects, kinetics, and equilibria. J. Biol. Chem. 241 (1966) 4842-4847. [PMID: 4958985]

[EC created 1972, modified 1981]

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